Mr. Smith pled guilty in Johnson County Kansas District court on August 23rd to identity theft, which is considered a felony in Kansas, and will be sentenced October 27th. Mr. Smith was also to appear September 29th in Polk County, Iowa court for a probation revocation hearing. He stipulated (which means he agreed to) violating probation and sentencing is now scheduled for September 26th.
This is the same Richard Smith who used to be the so-called CEO of Prestige Corporate Living, LLC and Prestige Corporate Living Worldwide. He now calls himself the CEO of KC Short Term Stay. Please DO NOT get involved with this guy personally or professionally. This person is a sociopath and cannot be trusted. He will steal from you, lie and cheat. He will date, be engaged to and or married to multiple women at the same time. This guy will NEVER change his behavior as he is incapable of doing so. Updates will be posted as to the outcome of sentencing.
Worried sick
9/9/2017 01:47:20 am
I hope Rick Smith gets everything he deserves! I hope they lock him up and throw the key away. He has hurt too many women and their young daughters.
9/10/2017 12:21:40 am
Totally agree to the first and so true to the second.
Worried sick
9/27/2017 10:24:43 pm
Does anyone know how court went on Tuesday?
9/28/2017 11:49:32 pm
Another Continuance - next court date is October 3rd.
Worried sick
9/30/2017 03:47:49 pm
That's some BS 😡
10/1/2017 10:39:17 pm
He did not have a court appearance in Polk County, IA on Friday, September 29th. He was to appear in Polk County on Sept. 26th. If he is telling someone he had to appear in court on the 29th, he is lying. Did he tell someone he had to be out of town on the 29th?
Worried sick
10/1/2017 11:34:53 pm
On August 23rd, he pled guilty to identity theft which is a felony in Kansas. Sentencing for that outcome is October 27th. His next court date is in Iowa on August 29th for his probation revocation hearing. His attorney in Iowa asked for ANOTHER continuance but it was denied by the court.
10/2/2017 02:26:54 pm
His probation revocation hearing in Iowa is Tuesday, October 3rd at 1:30pm
Worried sick
10/2/2017 09:20:38 pm
Thank you! Will you post after you find out the results?
10/4/2017 12:23:45 pm
Anyone know how it went yesterday?
10/4/2017 02:09:56 pm
First, does anyone know if he is still in the Kansas City area and seeing someone?
11/12/2017 12:33:18 pm
Richard Smith, aka Micky, in Kearney MO, was temporarily engaged to my neighbor. Her daughter happened to look for id in his car and the scam was discovered. I understand he is currently incarceraged somewhere in the KC area.
11/12/2017 03:06:35 pm
Was she the girlfriend who put that on Craigslist ? Or is this another woman? I am sorry but there are so many we are trying to reach them all and btw we are urging all women who has had sexual relations with this creep to go get tested for STDS!!!!!!
10/4/2017 06:09:06 pm
Wondering the same thing as watching.
10/4/2017 07:19:04 pm
Can someone verify if he is in KC before the outcome is posted?
10/5/2017 08:53:56 am
Is he still dating the same woman and her name begins with an M?
10/13/2017 10:17:34 pm
He is still dating M
Still dating M
10/29/2017 09:12:42 pm
Is he still dating M ?
10/5/2017 03:30:35 pm
So how old is,this one?
10/6/2017 10:39:57 pm
Does this mean he has a warrant out for him? Lets hope,so he needs,to be put up for a long long long,long time
10/6/2017 11:24:43 pm
I am afraid something is wrong . This doesn't sound right if this is true he needs to seek help . I think he has something wrong and he needs professional help. Maybe he is in the hospital or a treatment center for help ? Or did he just disappear? Does anyone know?
10/7/2017 10:16:23 am
You can see on the Iowa court's website that since he failed to appear, the judge issued a public/bench warrant for his arrest. No bond until first appearance. It also says he has been mailed a copy.
10/7/2017 10:53:47 am
Mr. Smith needs to get his priorities straight
10/7/2017 11:17:49 am
Sounds like he needs to contact his attorney and turn himself in . He is only making matters worse for himself
Warning ???
10/7/2017 12:13:38 pm
Whoever he is with can get in trouble for aiding and abetting !!!!
10/7/2017 02:56:54 pm
Yes who ever he is with needs to get away from him. Thiz man is a very very very bad man,this neexz to be stoped soon
10/8/2017 09:06:00 pm
Does anyone know how much time he could get out of the felony charges against him?
10/9/2017 11:36:33 am
It's all up to the judge to decide.
Doesn't make sense
10/9/2017 05:55:32 pm
Why would he go to all of his court dates and not this one ?
Judgement day
10/9/2017 06:50:03 pm
Why go to all court dates until now? Now that he's being sentenced he's scared shitless. Reality strikes! The sentence for felony identity theft in Kansas is only a few years for the first offence. However it could increase if anyone ever links Iowa and Kansas together.
Hope Rick goes to jail!!
10/13/2017 10:13:40 pm
Is this expeditable?
10/14/2017 12:16:50 pm
Does anyone know for sure where he's living or working?
I know some but not everything
10/16/2017 12:29:43 am
Rick is still working in the overland park area in KS. He is staying in an apt down by the city market area.
10/15/2017 01:55:48 am
After reading these comments, he needs to go to jail! Who out there knows where he is at??
What a jerk
10/15/2017 04:17:17 pm
Is this guy still in the corporate housing business? If so, where? Definitely want to steer clear of any apartments he has.
10/16/2017 12:30:46 am
Yes he is still in the corporate housing business in Overland Park.
10/16/2017 08:41:11 am
What is the name of the apartment community in the city market where he is living?
Just wondering
10/16/2017 10:59:02 am
What kind of vehicle does he drive? Color?
Keeping up with Rick
10/16/2017 02:44:36 am
I have said it before and I will say it again this is a real lifetime movie!! He is going to be rich they couldn't make this up if they wanted to!!
10/16/2017 11:12:16 am
The only movie
10/16/2017 11:24:18 am
Is going to be Rick behind bars!!!
10/16/2017 11:32:50 am
This guy
10/16/2017 11:39:06 am
Is going to get his. Judgement day is near and it is going to be great . It will be worth the wait .
He always
10/16/2017 11:57:04 am
Comes out smelling like a rose 🌹
Not so fast
10/17/2017 11:47:26 am
When he leaves this earth, he will not be passing through the pearly gates but rather will have a one way ticket straight south to the firey depths of hell.
10/16/2017 01:55:27 pm
I see the warrant for his arrest was recalled. What the $&@#? New probation hearing is set for November 6th. Pretty sure he had another fake heart attack or some family member was in an accident. Whatever.
Say what
10/19/2017 07:41:55 am
This is crazy that the warrant was recalled. He needs to be put in jail.
10/19/2017 10:10:09 am
More than likely
10/19/2017 10:38:40 am
He will just get probation. Hate our judicial system. Hope I'm wrong.
If you are right
10/19/2017 11:09:17 am
He will just continue. He is a sociopath and he has superficial charm . He is never going to be truly happy he has no distinction between family friend and sucker . He will just continue to move from one woman to another he does not love anyone but himself and I don't even think he likes women the way he treats them this is not love . Wake up and smell the coffee!! Whenever he is with a woman you are not the only woman you are only one of many he does not care about you he always has a ulterior motive he is always after something he uses different women for different reasons. Get smart and get away from him he is sick .
Totally agree with you
10/19/2017 12:34:16 pm
Ladies, steer clear!!! He's a charmer, that's part of his game in the beginning and then he becomes manipulative, tries to isolate you from your family and friends and becomes verbally abusive.
Concerned for someone
10/19/2017 12:49:52 pm
What happens after the verbal abuse?
Verbally abusive
10/19/2017 01:18:27 pm
He will tear you down. He doesn't like to be wrong. He blames others rather than himself. Even if you have a difference of opinion during a discussion, he hates that. He makes it your fault somehow. He will throw a tantrum like a two year old. It kind of gets scarey. He then becomes very controlling soon after the relationship starts. He always asks who you're calling if you're on your cell phone. If he takes a call and leaves the room or goes outside to take a call, rest assured he is talking to another woman. Trust me, speaking from experience. Question for you "concerned for someone", is he drinking alcohol currently?
Targets and opportunities
10/19/2017 11:34:30 am
That is all he is looking for he will leave you with broken hearts and empty wallets!!!
10/19/2017 12:30:15 pm
Is he living specifically and what are the names of communities he has corporate apartments at? Who out there knows??
He would need a drink
10/19/2017 02:43:52 pm
After all this !! He probably is drinking October 27TH is in a few days and he is probably scared shitless 💩
11/2/2017 08:38:56 pm
He is drinking. Vodka and a lot of it.
First wife
12/7/2017 02:08:10 pm
His biological father was an alcoholic and died of a heart attack
Standing in the back
10/19/2017 09:09:02 pm
What are the places he is doing business with that way we can all make a call to them
10/19/2017 11:08:47 pm
Out there knows where he lives. Please come forward. Can give you a place where you can disclose the confidential information.
10/22/2017 03:53:05 pm
either Iowa or Kansas puts this creep in jail.
Another victim
10/22/2017 11:00:19 pm
did he do you wrong too.
10/23/2017 12:17:12 am
I am another victim. Are you a recent victim? What did he do to you?
Placing bets
10/22/2017 11:18:09 pm
They are placing bets on if this guy will show up or not
American Gigolo
10/22/2017 11:44:13 pm
He goes to jail
Merry go round
10/23/2017 12:28:39 pm
All you girls are on a merry go round and he just takes a spin Next who's next?
Hey Merry go round
10/23/2017 12:40:22 pm
This is not a comical matter. Go screw yourself.
Merry go round
10/23/2017 02:18:47 pm
Holds multiple women at the same time they are all being taken for a ride
Read between the lines
10/23/2017 02:37:44 pm
He does not like women
10/24/2017 10:46:58 am
He was staying at the haven apartments in shoal creek area off 152 highway . Scammed money from my relatives Sunday
Former victim
10/24/2017 02:09:16 pm
Spotted, so sorry to hear that about your relatives. What exactly happened? Do you know if he currently lives there?
First wife
12/7/2017 02:12:03 pm
What the hell he is getting closer and closer to me.
Relieved But Empathic
10/25/2017 09:16:39 am
In agreement with all those who've been affected by this jerk. Dated him briefly years ago when I was in a not so good place in my life and fed right into his charm. I came to a fork in the road and chose the love of my life as opposed to a life full of riches with this scumbag. I am eternally grateful for regaining a level head and following my heart. Since then I have slowly turned my life around for both my son and I. I wish the same for you all and may God bless you with a road to a full recovery so you can move forward in your lives. Karma will follow Scott wherever he goes...and then he can watch the movie 'Fireproof ' when he gets there and learn the meaning of trust love and marriage.
A Change Is Gonna Come
10/26/2017 05:34:55 pm
The new sentencing date for scumbag is 11/14/17 at 9 am in Division 18. Think he'll make it?
He will
10/26/2017 05:51:14 pm
Probably fake his 25th heart attack, have a root canal, sprain an ankle, break an arm, have eye surgery, have whooping cough or schedule a penis enlargement for that day. LOL!!
10/28/2017 06:25:14 pm
How is he up 2 now
10/28/2017 10:56:56 pm
Hoping his a$$ is rotting in jail right now!
Not yet
10/29/2017 12:02:34 am
He couldn't make it to his probation revocation hearing in Iowa on October 3rd due to hospitalization. Whatever!!! It's amazing he has to go to the hospital when he is supposed to be at court. New hearing is set for November 6th in Iowa.
10/29/2017 10:18:43 pm
Does anyone know why he was in the hospital?
I would
10/29/2017 11:29:06 pm
like to know the same. I'm sure it's a stupid reason like all the other ones have been. He purposely does this to avoid going to court. He has done this for years. I can't believe any hospital in the Kansas City area would take him. He owes just about all of them money.
What hospital
10/30/2017 06:03:32 pm
Is he still in the hospital?
Who is M
10/29/2017 09:20:14 pm
M who ? And where can we find her ? Is this where he is staying? Someone out there knows. Please come forward.
M knows
10/29/2017 11:25:20 pm
where he is and she needs to stop protecting him. If she doesn't stop dating him, she will be in for a rude awakening.
What is M name
10/30/2017 12:38:13 am
What is her name ? Where does she live ? Where does she work ? What does she do ? Does she have children? He will have them calling him daddy and he will call them his little princess he does this all the time with everyone no one is special you are all dollar signs!!! It's all lies everything that rolls off his tongue is a lie!!!
Won't give
10/30/2017 12:08:45 pm
you any details on the blog about M but can give you an email address where you can identify yourself first for privacy and also that you do not calaborate with him or her.
If it's the sane M
10/31/2017 10:54:15 pm
She knows about all of this and doesn't care.she recently quit her job to "work" for him. She's going to end up losing everything and she will only have herself to blame.
M f
11/1/2017 01:14:00 am
He is engaged to a m f this must be the same person someone was concerned about her children. They were supposed to have a beach wedding. Who knows maybe they are married. Someone wrote in about that along time ago. If this is the same m this has been going on for a while. Good luck M your going to need it !!!
Rude awakening
10/30/2017 12:58:16 am
She's going to be in for a rude awakening alright when he goes to jail one of these days he is going to scam money from the wrong people if I was her or anyone else for that matter I would hate to be in the wrong place at the wrong time btw is that what happened to his face did he get into a fight with someone?
He had
10/30/2017 09:08:17 am
A non cancerous tumor removed last year.
10/30/2017 06:15:17 pm
For what?
That is
10/30/2017 07:35:41 pm
the million dollar question!
Nurse's beware
10/30/2017 10:29:08 pm
He is probably meeting nurse's and doctors whoever he can charm will be his next victim's!!! He probably even charms all the women in his corporate housing business no wonder this guy changes women he is meeting new victims every day !! All you ladies should beware of this guy you would probably all need to run to the doctor yourself to get checked if you all knew how many of you there really are
10/31/2017 09:22:02 am
Thank you All for the updates! I hope he goes away for a very long time!!! I live in Louisiana now so i can’t go see him sentenced, but would love to know what happens.
Will let
10/31/2017 02:28:23 pm
you know for sure.
Trick or treat
10/31/2017 01:08:14 pm
If All you ladies could come to his court dates !!!
11/2/2017 10:23:03 am
Needs to be revealed because if she knows about all of this and doesn't care and is working for him and he scammed money the other day from someone's relatives she is a accomplice !!! Why else would she know about all of this and not care and work for him she is obviously in on the scams to screw people over !!! I sure would like to know the name I would not do ANY BUSINESS WITH THESE SCAMMERS!!! I am sure everyone else out there feels the same way people need to know these SCAMMERS NAMES!!! That's what needs to happen if everyone would NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THESE SCAMMERS!!! If we know their names we know who to STAY AWAY FROM AND NOT DO BUSINESS WITH!!! If we know their names we can protect ourselves and our relatives from being SCAMMED!!!
Which girlfriend posted this on Craigslist?
11/2/2017 10:40:33 am
M would like to know
11/2/2017 11:55:51 am
Since she is engaged to him !!! And he gave this girl a ring too ? This is interesting information to find out !!! I am sure the courts will be interested in this information on November 6 in Iowa and November 14 in Kansas for a felony!!! This doesn't sound like someone who was so sick in the hospital that they couldn't make it to his court dates but he was in the bar !!! GUATEMALA? LOL YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!! NOT HE WAS WITH ANOTHER GIRL !!! ALL YOU GIRL'S CATCH ON YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE!!! THIS IS HIS M.O HE DOES THIS WITH ALL THE GIRLS!!!! THANK YOU GIRLFRIEND I CAN'T WAIT TO SHOW THIS TO THE JUDGES IN IOWA AND KANSAS!!! PLEASE KEEP POSTING!!!
You piece of shit
11/2/2017 12:25:25 pm
You are going down!!! You are going to have plenty of time to sing while you are in jail !!!
What bar ?
11/2/2017 12:34:21 pm
Someone out there knows what bar ? What is the name of the bar? And location?
11/2/2017 08:46:57 pm
He goes to the moose lodge in independence. He gave me a ring this week. Wrote a hot check for it. I found this all out today. Wow! I have info if someone can contact me
Social media
11/2/2017 12:50:02 pm
Gotta LOVE it !!!
M job
11/2/2017 01:07:31 pm
She better go get her job back. If she is wise she will get away from him, he is sick!!! If she doesn't get away from him she better get ready for her ride down the tubes!!!
Which story
11/2/2017 04:40:36 pm
There are so many of them where do you wanna start?
11/2/2017 06:29:00 pm
I have current information about where he is living and his current business. If you reply to this with your email I will contact you with info.
New name
11/2/2017 08:48:03 pm
He is going by Mickey Smith now
Keep your money close
11/3/2017 10:02:18 am
And credit cards hidden. Ladies, do not give any money to Rick, oh wait, he goes by "Mickey" Smith now? Talk about fraud!!! Do NOT let him be an authorized user on your credit cards either!! Think about it, he is having to pay an attorney in Iowa for his probation revocation hearings, he is supposed to be paying an attorney in Kansas for the identity theft case and now he is suing the doctor who performed surgery on his face so he has an attorney for that case. He ends up not paying for attorneys in the long run either. Have information for that. Please be careful and think about yourself! If you have let him be an authorized user on your cards, please have those cards cancelled now!!!!
This is M
11/4/2017 04:45:43 pm
I have nothing to do with him, I have been done with him for a few months!!!! My girls and I are safe and away from him! Thanks for opening my eyes to all his craziness!!!!
11/4/2017 06:48:22 pm
If you're are done with him then why are you still driving his car with his tags?
11/4/2017 07:07:38 pm
M is no longer driving his car, if anybody knows how to contact him then let him know it was towed. (Don't have the info on the tow company)
5/1/2018 04:30:07 pm
Soo true
11/4/2017 07:08:04 pm
I'm not driving his car
M, How are you believable?
11/4/2017 11:16:15 pm
Not sure about you
Hey M
11/5/2017 11:55:32 am
Someone here on the blog said you quit your job and are now "working" for him and you don't care about what's going on with him.
Hello M
11/4/2017 08:07:22 pm
When, exactly was the car towed? So glad you and your kids are away from him!! Stay safe!!
11/5/2017 04:44:08 pm
This scumbag needs to be locked up !!!Jail is too good for him !!! What is up with him changing his name to Mickey? This sociopath is out of control. Why does he change his name all the time? Is this some type of mental disorder? He needs professional help!!!
only me
11/12/2017 12:51:21 pm
"Mickey" was engaged to my neighbor in Kearney very briefly around 11/6. Her daughter discovered who he was when she looked in his Porsche. My sweet neighbor is recovering. This guy is a real piece of work. I hope they hold him in jail so nobody else gets taken. My neighbor so did not deserve his shxt.
Please tell
11/12/2017 02:44:14 pm
Are you talking about Karla? Or is this another woman ? Tracy S? Yes you are correct he is a piece of shit and none of us victims deserved any of this this is what he does he finds women who are nice and he takes their kindness for weakness and he plays on that and runs with it he wraps you around his fingers and gets you right where he wants you the next thing you know you are doing anything you can for him signing for houses, car's, jewelry, furniture, credit cards, etc........
11/5/2017 04:53:20 pm
Taking bets show or no show?
It was a NO SHOW!
11/8/2017 09:42:50 pm
Iowa issued a warrant out for his arrest for failure to appear on November 6th.
Adams mark hotel Kansas city
11/5/2017 06:28:30 pm
Mr. Smith was caught on our video tape from our surveillance cameras pushing a woman down to the ground . Our desk clerk witnessed this and placed a panic call for security. All parties involved were escorted off the property and a call was placed for the Kansas city police department . Upon arrival Mr. Smiths whereabouts was unknown .
If this is true
11/5/2017 08:08:26 pm
What date did this occur? And what time during the day?
11/5/2017 08:18:40 pm
Any info on current whereabouts will be held confidential and I will arrest this guy and put him behind bars.
My daughter True statement
11/6/2017 11:42:55 am
This is her mother and yes this is correct this happened at 3am Saturday morning at Adams mark hotel Kansas city . I will not sit back and let him use my daughter any longer!!! She has been nothing but good to him , I am concerned for her safety!!! I truly believe that if they were somewhere else and alone I am fully convinced he would not have stopped and I would probably be visiting my daughter in the hospital!!!! I want to thank the desk clerk for calling security and thank you for calling the Kansas city police department!!! You saved my daughter's life this could have easily escalated and the outcome could have easily been much worse!!!
11/6/2017 12:45:34 pm
How was this loser creep driving a Porsche? Now that is the million dollar question?
Porsche is gone
11/8/2017 05:44:54 pm
He wrote a hot check for the Porsche then told
11/8/2017 09:47:33 pm
That is terrible that he makes up such a lie like that. He doesn't have a daughter that died in a car wreck. That is such a morbid lie. He wrote that check with the intention of committing fraud. He does this all the time. He is the biggest fraud! I hope the dealership presses charges.
First wife
12/7/2017 02:55:52 pm
His daughter was never in a wreck nor passed away. As I am her mother. Who to I contact to verify that these are lies.
Self destruction
11/6/2017 01:15:30 pm
No one has to do anything this guy is on a road to self destruction.
He is in custody
11/6/2017 01:16:16 pm
He was just taken into custody
In Johnson county Kansas locked up
11/6/2017 05:52:09 pm
He was picked up by Jackson county Missouri and sentenced to 180 days there but transferred to Johnson county Kansas on felony hold, and missed his court date in Iowa so they are waiting on him when Kansas and Missouri are done with him
Whoever just posted this
11/6/2017 06:58:52 pm
You are so incorrect about him getting picked up by Jackson county. He was picked up by the bounty hunters from Johnson County. I know this because I spoke to them personally.
Information I got
11/6/2017 09:19:48 pm
This information I got from Jackson county detention center.
Hey Karla!
11/7/2017 01:16:25 pm
You need to leave that sorry ass in jail! He will ruin your life too if you don't wake up! He is dangerous! If you don't believe all this, then you are an idiot!
What a relief
11/8/2017 06:06:11 pm
To know that he's locked up. Hopefully he stays locked up for a long time!!!
Tracy S
11/8/2017 09:43:39 pm
How are her comments gone from here ?
Hot checks
11/9/2017 10:37:58 am
Hot checks for the ring and Porsche!!! I wonder how many more hot checks are out there and I wonder what other interesting items they were used for? Is the jewelry store and Porsche dealership pressing charges? He just cannot stop himself and stay out of trouble!!!! This guy needs help!!! Does anyone know if this is a cry for help? Something is wrong with this lunatic!!!
Site Owner
11/9/2017 07:26:09 pm
She asked me to remove her comments to protect her privacy.
No money
11/9/2017 07:48:44 pm
What is going on why the hot checks ? I thought this guy had money? All you ladies say he took you for money why doesn't this guy have anything?
Are you serious?
11/9/2017 08:28:46 pm
It took me nearly 15 years to recover from the financial mess he created for me... he does everything on joint accounts. Some woman is footing the bill for jewelry and cars... and the creditors go after her because they can’t find him... if you know him, don’t walk away. RUN!
11/11/2017 01:24:13 pm
He doesn’t have anything. He APPEARS to and steals, cheats and lies to have that much. When this is over, he will have much less! I promise !
11/11/2017 02:11:54 pm
He has 0s in the bank alright . They just are not behind any number. It's all lies he is fake and phony!!!! He does not have a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of!!! You might as well lock him up and throw away the keys!!!!! He is a menace to society!!!!
Thank you
11/9/2017 09:20:40 pm
This is what we need people to tell what he has done to them .
Next court date
11/9/2017 09:31:00 pm
Is everyone coming to court? What day and time and where? Maybe we should all go for drinks to celebrate afterwards? Who knows he always comes out smelling like a rose 🌹
11/9/2017 10:56:49 pm
I live there and I could not stand this guy !!! He thought he was so cool driving that Porsche and all the women coming and going he acted like he was running a STUD SERVICE!! I don't see it he had something wrong with his face I thought he was creepy!! To all you women you should all go get checked for STDS and btw I thought he was gay he was also with guys all the time too !!
11/10/2017 08:56:01 am
While I believe most of these facts to be true I also believe there is a lot of over dramatizing...karma Will follow him..he will get what he why the theatrics? Women are like chickens in a hen house....sorry but I find that to be true in all parts of life...the way to get past things like this is to keep moving forward in your life...without looking back. It's unfortunate this happened..yes he is a scumbag. But how are you going to get through the rest of your life if you keep looking back on the past.
Hey Anonymous, Were you a victim?
11/10/2017 11:38:35 am
I suggest you shut the F up. You have NO idea what has taken place unless you have been affected first hand by this jerk!
11/11/2017 11:57:24 am
All of his problems involve women. He needs to stay away from women. Can you court order him to stay away from women, so he can't hurt anyone anymore? At least in jail he is away from women. He needs to rot in jail and he can sit in the corner and play with himself!! Women need to be protected from this animal!!! He is evil ,pure evil!!!
Rick's turn
11/11/2017 12:51:52 pm
When Rick (Scott) moves from the Johnson County jail in Gardner to state prison in Lansing (hopefully) he'll soon become somebody's girlfriend. That's Karma!
Rick will be someone’s bitch
11/11/2017 01:27:18 pm
And I’m pretty sure he will like it. It’s obvious he doesn’t like women. He uses them but he does not like them!!
11/11/2017 01:56:31 pm
Then we can ask , how does it feel? The problem is he will probably like it . People would always ask if he was gay?
Lansing prison
11/11/2017 03:19:57 pm
Does anyone know how much time he could get out of the felony charges against him ? And with all the hot checks are there going to be new charges ? What about him pushing the woman down at Adams mark hotel Kansas city I sure hope they press charges!!!! Lock his ass up !!!!!!
I was wondering
11/11/2017 03:34:52 pm
If the lady at Adams Mark pressed charges or was this the Karla lady that is now working for him?? Anyone know? The bad check for the ring is going to be prosecuted. The Porsche people were not divulging their plan. Said their attorneys would decide and they weren’t telling me anything! So at least one check will be prosecuted.
Hey Karla
11/11/2017 04:12:24 pm
The ONLY reason he is with you is for your money because you have NOTHING ELSE that he needs. He doesn't love you. Maybe you are just as much of a crook as he is. He is NOT running a legal business. You will soon find out the real deal about him. If you stay, you'll get what you deserve and that is nothing! He will drain you financially and go on to the next.
11/11/2017 04:22:48 pm
It's quite obvious she has nothing else other than money. 🤣
11/12/2017 10:40:40 am
I had wondered about whether he was gay, too. Wouldn’t be surprised.
11/12/2017 11:31:27 am
Were you engaged to him? If so, when?
I was married to him not just engaged
11/12/2017 11:44:40 am
I was married to him back in 2005. He left me just after he got his name on everything and it took me another 4.5 years to get a divorce from him... in 2010. During that time he cost me a quarter of a million dollars in credit and real money. I suspected he was a con artist and even emailed the FBI about him. Ugh.
11/12/2017 12:24:28 pm
Sure would like to speak with you personally if you can or would like to. Would you be willing to email either your phone number or email address to the owner of this site? If you do, email to: [email protected]
Emailing shortly
11/12/2017 04:40:57 pm
I would also like to come forward... officially. I live in Louisiana now and can’t attend court on Tuesday...
11/12/2017 12:25:18 pm
11/12/2017 12:58:54 pm
I am sorry he done this to you . We are all victims. This demon has been doing this for years. He is a professional. Thank you for going into detail about how and what this monster has done to you . We need everyone to come forward and give detailed information. Thanks in advance!
First wife
12/7/2017 03:24:30 pm
What info do you need I believe I was his first wife. Married from 91-95
Karla who ?
11/12/2017 02:25:52 pm
What is last name ? Where does she live? Where does she work? Does she have children? How old is this one ?
I know
11/12/2017 05:57:02 pm
I have in for on Karla.... she is married this I know for sure, should I post what I know about her I here
Yes please
11/12/2017 06:48:48 pm
post everything you know about her! Thank you!
Karla who?
11/12/2017 06:45:45 pm
I have the information on her where should I post this information?
Contact the news
11/12/2017 03:14:59 pm
I know they are going to want this story. Every news station in KC will be at his court TUESDAY !!! See you there!! Don't be late, stay tuned....
Give him my regards... lol
11/12/2017 04:53:56 pm
I live in Louisiana now and wish I could be there... please update me with results...
Sure will!!!
11/12/2017 05:05:08 pm
We will keep you posted.
11/13/2017 09:38:44 am
To answer your question..I did date this creep for a brief period of time..why brief? Because I used the common sense that God gave me to see the red flags and get the hell away from him before getting into deep. Red flag..always on the phone while you are out on a date, excusing himself of course..Red flag: calling me princess and then calling our waitress sweetie two seconds later..classic flirt. Red flag..telling me he loves me after two dates and then proposing marriage to me via text 1 week later. I could go on but you guys know the rest. Good thing I had the common sense and instincts to leave when I did. He also immediately removed me from his Facebook account after I questioned him about his past posting..claiming it was none of my business..hmmm..when I started dating him I was officially pumped with his charm and money..however after all that I discovered about him and.his fictions lies including property rentals in Atlanta and the 2 story rental in mid town...he became officially dumped!
Didn’t take the Bait!
8/19/2020 12:56:28 pm
I met Scott in Ga from 2010 to 2013. He rented an office from me in Atlanta, Ga. He tried all the same lines on me but he knew I was married. He would say Good Morning Sunshine, almost every morning as he came by my office everyday. I didn’t suspect anything of him. He was charming and flirted with me. My husband and I just moved to Ga and he claimed he just moved here too and he was looking for friends to hang with. We became friends with him. I feel so bad for these women!! He would show me his dating profile and ask me what I thought of it. He said he wanted a wife just like me and wanted a relationship just like mine. Again, I didn’t think anything about it. We went to lunch several times and he would talk to me about how he met someone and he is going to marry her. My Husband and I went to meet her at one of his two story homes in Atlanta. Next thing I know they broke up. It was always their fault! Then two weeks later he was with another woman. I use to tease him about all the different women he was with. He would tell me stories about them. I am sorry, I had no clue he was stealing from them. I moved back to TX and he would call me and tell me he was thinking about moving to TX. I so creeped out now, He is very smooth, He tried to get me to go in business with him and help him grow it. He said he made a lot of money expanding mortgage brokerage offices around the US. I even prepared presentations for him!! OMG!! I am so glad I did not get involved with him in any of his fraudulent businesses!! I feel like such a fool being friends with him. Scott, you need to stop now and get help!!!!
11/14/2017 10:56:33 am
11/14/2017 11:00:44 am
So does this mean he is staying locked up?
18 months probation
11/14/2017 12:42:47 pm
He factually was awarded 18 months probation. If he screws up within the 18 months THEN his probation is revoked and then he gets 10 months in jail.
Probation violation?
11/30/2017 11:31:54 am
I have pics that were taken in the bar with drink in his hand that was taken within this past week! Isn't that a probation violation???? I can email them to whoever!!!
Hello to probation violation
11/30/2017 03:35:15 pm
Yes please send those pictures privately to: [email protected]
Almost Scammed
11/14/2017 02:58:25 pm
So this guy almost scammed my company out of $1000's of dollars. but i have been in the apartment leasing business for over 10 years ( i'm 25) and he tried to charm me over and offered me a job and talked about his girlfriend and blah blah blah and well it didn't work. I required information about funds, i searched him on facebook and he just created a facebook account 3 days after our meet. The companies he said he did business with never heard of him and I was just told Monday that he was scamming people. My boss really wanted to lease to him but i told them he is too all over the place. fast talker, I assumed he did meth or some sort if drugs and was totally uncharmed. Anyway he apparently lived or lives at 501 Grand Boulevard #CENTROPOLIS and has the unit on the 2nd floor with all the glass. I am just glad i could tell. Saved my company money and got to shove it in y bosses face for not listening to me! :)
Justice NOT served
11/14/2017 04:42:26 pm
He is out on the streets guys!! He is a free man (coward)
11/15/2017 05:01:10 am
I am bummed out to read this... I’m sure he will eventually get what he deserves.
Married women
11/15/2017 11:34:33 am
I see he is messing around with married women. Your right I am sure he will eventually get what he deserves. I promise!
11/17/2017 04:15:42 pm
Let me guess does he call you princess and Queen? Play with your hair ? Tell you he had a dream his mom and grandma told him to be with you ,you are the one for him ? He wants you to ride on the bike with him because it would mean so much to him ? He knows what you need you just need someone to love you and pay attention to you ? He sings to you ? He gives you a ring? He tells you he love's you fast ? I can even tell you the songs he is playing for you and it's supposed to be your song. Because he does all this same stuff with all the women. Let's not forget all the text with hearts and kisses and good morning sunshine!!!! And when you are with him and he goes outside and to the bathroom because he is on the phone with another woman and when he leaves and goes through a drive thru he is on the phone with another woman and that woman will notice he has to get off the phone before he gets back home to walk in from the drive thru. Please fill in the blanks if I have forgotten some of the things for women to look out for .
Weird stuff
11/23/2017 12:27:34 am
How about the baths in the middle of the night. He would want you to go into the bath with him or just sit with him in the bathroom. Who does that?!? And, he would splash water on himself while the bathtub would be filling with water.
First wife
12/7/2017 04:45:00 pm
Wow he is still doing these things after all these years.
Lock him up
12/7/2017 03:23:18 pm
What happened to Iowa ? When is his next court hearing?
Please tell
12/7/2017 03:35:53 pm
First wife please tell so everyone can know the truth!!! He is supposed to be sterile, so this is very interesting information that you have his child !!! Sounds like you need to go after him for child support!!!
He has a kid
12/7/2017 03:49:08 pm
Here we go , another lie !!!! He is not sterile after all !!! I wonder how many more are out there ??????
2/17/2018 03:53:36 pm
There is going to be a new victim in Wichita soon. Just wait.
2/21/2018 08:20:26 pm
She owns a business and he will take her not only for an emotional ride but a financial one too. She needs to get out now!!!
Hey Lucky
3/13/2018 02:26:51 pm
What city are you in that you turned him in?
3/22/2018 11:39:49 pm
Mickey Rick Scott etc, is now living in Wichita, KS. Heads up Kansas ladies!! He is also currently active on the dating websites. He had dumped "Grandma". She must have run out of money. He is on the hunt for his next victim. BE WARE!!!
3/24/2018 02:40:31 pm
Not sure if anyone has heard but Michelle warden passed away on Tuesday March 20. Just thought I would let those that know her know
God rest her soul
3/25/2018 01:43:03 pm
Megan, thanks for letting us all know. I was able to speak with Michelle on the phone over the past few years but never had the chance to meet her. I’m so sad to hear this news. We need to continue to pursue justice so that she may rest a little easier. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends.
He’s a con
8/31/2020 11:56:02 pm
Yes she’s my sister. Thank y’all for caring!!! I know Scott very well my sister is the one that made peritage living llc
3/27/2018 12:40:29 pm
Yes let's get justice on him. He did her so wrong. What's the latest on here he is
3/27/2018 02:57:58 pm
As of last week, he was still in Wichita, KS wreaking havoc in mainstream society.
No Show
4/9/2018 10:51:41 am
Well, the fugitive did not show up for his sentencing hearing in Iowa last week. Does anyone know where he is or what he’s doing?
4/9/2018 02:28:29 pm
It was failure to appear at his probation violation hearing.
4/16/2018 05:38:03 pm
I think he should be in trouble. Is there a warrant for his arrest? I would think this would also put him in violation of his current probation in Kansas. I am pretty sure that while you are on probation you are supposed to obey the law and probably inform and go to any and all court hearing ? So I just don't understand why he is scamming more women? It sounds like he is going on the run , some Beach in Florida but he won't let her tell anyone?????? Sounds like she better be careful that's aiding and abetting!!! Why don't he just go do his time???
4/13/2018 01:31:39 pm
He is in Wichita Kansas as of 04/13/2018. He is currently dating a lady and has promised her the world. They are moving to the "Beach" soon in Florida but won't let her tell anyone where. They have been together probably 3 weeks at this point and she already moved in with him and they are moving the first week of May. We warned her about him, but she believes everything that he said and not us. One day she will learn I'm sure.
What is
4/13/2018 11:31:02 pm
the name of the lady he is dating? I heard it’s a younger gal. Does anyone know what his address is?
4/13/2018 11:42:10 pm
I guess you can find him at KRAB KINGZ in Wichita
4/13/2018 11:51:35 pm
Maybe he met her there . Maybe a worker or a customer? That would make sense for him to hire a younger gal.
Yo, Asking for His home address
4/13/2018 11:51:48 pm
Older lady
4/14/2018 12:07:35 am
She is the owner of the business. So this younger gal must be new ? I wonder if he scammed the older woman who has money and now he is with the younger gal or I am sorry I forgot he plays multiple women at the same time who knows maybe they have a open relationship. I forgot he likes his cake and eat it too .
anonymous 2
4/16/2018 01:35:38 pm
Anonymous can you contact me? I have information about this [email protected]
Krab Kingz
4/13/2018 09:52:13 pm
Mickey Smith said he is the owner of Krab Kings in Wichita but is this the lady who really owns the business? Or is this another one?
4/13/2018 10:18:50 pm
If you look up the business entity search it says that a Richard Scott Smith owns the business. When you read local news articles it says mickey Smith Co owner... So I'm not sure. I can't find any other name and he is on the entity search alone. Is it supposedly a lady that owns it?
4/13/2018 10:43:31 pm
I wonder if she knows her name is not on there . Or did he scam her and maybe she doesn't even know it yet ? Do you think maybe she thinks her name is on there ? Well I guess she will find out who knows maybe she trust him and put it in his name . A worker was complaining about her being the owner with wrong intentions something about money and problems with getting paid.
4/13/2018 11:56:39 pm
That is his LEGAL name!!!!! Not the BS Mickey.
4/13/2018 10:16:43 pm
This is his real name . He is not Mickey Smith. He must change his name because he doesn't want you to find out about him . Maybe someone should let them know who they are really doing business with.
4/13/2018 10:53:26 pm
If someone takes out a business loan can they go do whatever with the money or do they have to show that money is going for that business and does that business have to be in your name or can you put it in someone else's name?
Any reputable bank
4/13/2018 11:27:26 pm
should request a business plan, federal tax ID number and go through all the other necessary paperwork before handing out a business loan. The loan should show it’s being used for the business. For example, If the bank requests documentation that you purchased items for the business in which you asked a loan for and you cannot provide those receipts or any other paperwork, you could be in trouble with the bank.
Who's name
4/13/2018 11:32:14 pm
Ok let's say the money was used for the business does it have to be in the name of the person who got the business loan ? Or can you put it in someone else's name?
Will do
4/13/2018 11:53:15 pm
some research on that. I know a business attorney.
4/14/2018 08:16:30 pm
If you take out a business loan, you can put the business in someone else’s name. There are ways to do that.
Not sure
4/14/2018 12:25:59 am
I have no idea his home address but I do know the lady I'm talking about has nothing to do with krab kingz. I think she is older than him so he probably has at least three girlfriends right this minute. Have you guys ever listened to that podcast "dirty John"? If not you should. Very similar!
Her name
4/14/2018 12:35:43 am
Do you know her name?
4/14/2018 12:45:28 am
Maybe Mickey Smith has a idea to try out a Florida Beach?????
KRAB KINGZ Instagram
4/14/2018 10:40:48 pm
Pic of Mickey Smith and a woman who is next to him January 12 growth Wichita and KC . Does he also have one in KC ?
Add Harboring
4/18/2018 03:29:31 pm
a fugitive. You might want to check the latest facts on that in the state of Kansas but the last time I read about it, it can be considered a Class 8 felony.
4/18/2018 10:29:11 pm
He is engaged to a woman that is 58. She has quit her job and given up everything for him. She will not believe anyone that he is not “real”
Hello Worried
4/18/2018 11:20:23 pm
Does this 58 year old have blonde hair and glasses by chance?
4/19/2018 09:08:10 am
Yes, she does.
Hello worried again
4/19/2018 09:36:37 am
Can you contact me here - [email protected], I may have some information about this
Wow !!! Not Karla
4/19/2018 10:40:06 am
what is her name
4/19/2018 12:12:45 pm
What's the new woman's name?
The new woman
4/20/2018 04:17:16 pm
Yes, what is the name of his latest engagement? Does she realize how many times he’s been engaged within the last year? I know of at least 4 and now this makes 5 times. She better get a clue.
The one I am aware of
4/20/2018 06:51:14 pm
Was warned and is aware but believes whatever bs she's being Fed. Terribly disappointing
Ulterior motives
4/20/2018 05:23:01 pm
He is after something that is why he is engaged so quickly. He wants to hurry up and seal the deal before you find out about him. Furthermore he is still married!!! Please take off the blinders!!!
She won't
4/20/2018 07:32:42 pm
Too late. Someday she'll appreciate being warned. Washing hands of it.
Too late ?
4/20/2018 08:07:07 pm
What do you mean did they get married? Or are they on the run ? I agree with you about washing hands of it but I will say this he did some of us wrong and I think some of us have unfinished business with Mr Smith!!!
I do not know
4/20/2018 08:38:40 pm
I hope and pray all this sick man's victims receive justice in FULL! I was simply saying there was everything possible done to protect another and aware authorities by others. I have been literally sick over This. What was meant by washing hands is I have to let it go.
Who is he still married to?
4/20/2018 10:31:04 pm
Can you let us know?
4/20/2018 10:50:28 pm
Who is he still married to???
Matter of time
4/20/2018 07:58:51 pm
I don't even know where to start first off she will not be the only woman he will have multiple women on the side and when the money is gone he will be gone or he will also leave and be on to the next just as soon as he thinks he finds something better. She will see it will end just a matter of time before he leaves her for another. Btw what is the longest he ever stays with someone? Or from what I understand it just depends on when he can't get anything anymore it's like he gets bored and he is off to the next . This is not love not at all . Sociopath is right!!!!
4/20/2018 08:17:01 pm
I am sorry he did all of us wrong!!!!
I wish someone knew where he was
5/10/2018 10:53:42 am
Currently. I'd imagine he's gone from Wichita. Hope I'm wrong though. I want him caught!
Don’t trust lea!!!
10/2/2018 05:14:59 pm
Gary Fischer
10/2/2018 05:24:26 pm
You think she would learn her lesson so he must be in Knoxville
10/8/2018 01:17:39 pm
I did went to his hearing this morning as he was coming in he was looking around in the court room he saw me and smiled with well the only side he can smile with. I just looked at him straight in the eyes. He was the first one they started with and the judge had signed 2 papers. I don't know where he will be going first though. The lawyer just wanted the judge to sign off on 2 forms
Thanks Stephanie
10/8/2018 02:51:32 pm
for the update. Let us know if you hear anything else!
He spent time in jail!
8/3/2020 10:24:50 pm
Rick, Mickey, Richard, Scott and whoever else he goes by FINALLY spent 6 months in jail in Des Moines, Iowa for violating his probation regarding the assault case against one of his fiancées. He was in jail from November 2018 to April 2019. Then, he had to be transported to Johnson County, Kansas to appear for violating his probation regarding the identity theft case. The idiot judge put him back on probation for 18 months instead of back in jail like he said he was going to do if he violated his probation. That judge was all talk. Rick is currently on probation until this November. Additionally, Rick is still telling women he is going to win a major medical lawsuit regarding his face. That is laughable since that case is closed and, by the way, he lost and it can never be reopened. You can go on and go on the civil court side and look it up yourself. Rick does not have a pot to piss in! Don’t be fooled by this con artist. Get your subscription to Showtime starting August 29th for a month. Four week Documentary about this guy called Love Fraud will premiere August 30th at 8pm Central time. The trailer is on YouTube right now! Get ready Rick!!
Lionel Mugerage
8/28/2020 04:41:35 am
He's not a sociopath. He's a psychopath.
So, Lionel
8/29/2020 12:34:54 am
Are you now an expert on Rick Smith? Have you dated him? If you look up the 12 ways you know you’re dating a sociopath, you can put a check mark by all of them 13. Rick Smith
Does it matter what he is?
8/29/2020 07:08:16 am
The bottom line is that he does what he does and it is not personal... he does not care and if he did it to you, (like he did to me), it was not you but it is just what he does. He is a bad actor and should be avoided completely. Hang in there and time will tell.
I agree with does it matter!
8/29/2020 05:24:20 pm
Do you have information you would like to share privately?
Eric Borcik
9/22/2020 11:10:49 pm
while watching the latest episode, when the jail interview started, my wife immediately said "he is GAY". After he started to talk, i too was convince he was also gay. the way he talks, mannerisms, his body posture, his body movements, he also looked like he may have had a stroke, one side of his face seem to be drooping. I don't care if he is, it just if he was that way with these woman, did they not suspect this. he may even be bi, just an observation!
10/2/2020 07:40:52 pm
I believe I found this guy, he is working at ups, in lenexa kansas
Wendy E Davis
10/14/2020 10:28:45 pm
But what can really be done?
vers lagauche
10/31/2020 12:48:18 pm
Just watched the Showtime doc. As angry as it leaves one, it also really makes one wish that people would simply be much more careful about people with whom they decide to dedicate their lives too. Just a tiny bit of looking could have saved some of them so much pain.
Just finished watching Love Fraud on Showtime. Good God. I feel terrible for all of yall that he conned. At the end during his BS interview you could tell he is sociopath. He was lying the entire time as evidenced by his ticks and snorts and that lazy eye. Something odd about his face too. I Think hes a closeted homosexual. I hope you all haunt him until the end of his days because the law isnt going to do anything about it and youre going to have to warn the thousand other victims he cons in the future. Good luck and god bless.
6/17/2021 06:39:50 am
I watched the Showtime documentary about this asshole. Why hasn’t he been charged with Bigamy? In my home state of Texas it is generally classified as a third-degree felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and/or a fine of up to $10,000.
Hi Michael
9/2/2021 12:15:47 am
One of his victims tried to charge him with bigamy in the state of Kansas and the judicial system didn’t care.
8/3/2022 07:01:24 pm
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