I apologize for all of the changes you are seeing on the site the last week or so.. I am trying to change some things and move some things and I am on a learning curve. Hopefully I will figure this out soon!
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A soon to be evicted tenant has provided me with copies of a seven page document they received last Friday notifying them that they are listed as a "Respondent" in a civil suit Village West has filed against PCL for non-payment of rent. Unfortunately, the tenants will be evicted if the rent is not caught up so it appears that each tenant will need to file suit against PCL to recoup the rent they have paid. I do know there are at least 11 tenants who have come forward to say they have received notice of eviction.
Thanks to a member of this site for providing this info. These cases are JUST the Village West cases against PCL so far...... Case No. 2015-LM-004585 Case No. 2015-LM-004582 Case No. 2015-LM-4560 Case No. 2015-LM-005068 Rick and Jean went to court earlier this week (Monday, I think?) to enter a plea of Not Guilty (lol) for his assault case. wife #9 still believes he was "jumped" by a disgruntled ex employee....... She probablh has not read the arrest report.
In order for Rick to fund his extravagant lifestyle, he has taken off with his "tenants" rent money. Most of his tenants pay around $2500 each month so when you have 30-40 apartments that adds up. Since Rick is not paying the rent to the properties of course the tenants are being served evictions notices.
Also, he has stopped paying his vendors. If you look up the definition of Snake Oil Salesman his picture will be included. He talks a big game and makes lots of promises he never intends to keep. He is a chameleon who will change his colors to adapt to any situation as long as it will benefit him. He will become a Christian if you are a Christian, an atheist if you're an atheist, he pretends to be very educated and worldly when in reality he is not.
Richard Scott Smith is a predator of the worst kind. He preys upon single mothers and folks who are in a desperate situation and takes everything he can. One woman ended up with a $4000 bill from Verizon because he hijacked her account and convinced Verizon to add additional lines on her account for all of HIS family members. Ran the bill way up and now SHE is on the hook for $4000! He also preys on children, usually young girls who don't have dad in the home. He will make them feel special by showering them with compliments, gifts and empty promises. He will call them his princess etc. Eventually, he will have them calling HIM daddy like their real father does not exist. We now have a Facebook page to share this information. Please like and share our page!
Richard Scott Smith - CON MAN Changing the name of his company is a way for him to avoid his creditors. He is starting a new company to rip off more people. #PrestigeCorporateLivingWorldwide
Rick Smith and Prestige Corporate Living has been collecting rent from his "tenants" for the past 11 months, however his properties are not getting paid so folks are being evicted. I spoke with a couple recently who has paid their rent each month and now they are being evicted. This man has also not been paying his vendors for their services. At lease one vendor is owed over $10,000!
This man will use this company to continue to rip off and victimize people and he needs to be stopped. THIS is the photo that needs to be posted everywhere so folks can be forewarned. Please save and feel free to share!
Michelle started this company along with Gary and they asked Rick/Scott to come on board with this new venture. Little did they know that when Michelle suffered a heart attack and was in the hospital that their good friend Rick would run out and file all the necessary paperwork for Prestige Corporate Living under his name and take ownership.
This man has no moral compass and no conscience. He would steal from anyone. I would like to put together a timeline and a list of his marriages and current wives. If you have any info feel free to contact me here or comment below.
Current Wives are - Jennifer, Myself, Jean... I would love to know how someone with horrible credit and no trust fund managed to get into a home like this......Rick had to get real crafty to pull this off!
Fingerhut will need to increase his line of "credit" for him to be able to furnish this place... Here is a link to more pics! http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/9514-W-161st-Ter-Overland-Park-KS-66085/81620407_zpid/ As a former Realtor, I feel sorry for the agents whom have wasted their time with Rick. The seller most of all since he will never close on this house. |