State of Iowa hands one year probation for 1st offense, court ordered substance abuse classes and domestic abuse classes for 6 months. Restitution to the State of Iowa. "Rick," "Scott," "Potsy," "Scooter," finally has a record. Now is the time for any other victims out there to come forward and press charges!
Potsy will be watched very closely by his probation officer and if he does not comply or even so much as farts on someone he will get prison time. We all need to hold him accountable and make sure we contact his probation officer with any info about his criminal activities. We certainly don't need this filthy animal to be roaming the streets free to victimize others! Here is the info about the case! (I KNOW IT MAY BE HARD TO READ BUT I AM GONNA CLEAN IT UP LATER!) Charges, Dispositions, Sentences Title: STATE VS RICHARD SCOTT SMITH Case: 05771 SRCR288645 (POLK) Citation Number: Defendant: SMITH , RICHARD SCOTT Count 01 Charge Charge: 708.2A(2)(b) Description:DOMESTIC ABUSE ASSAULT- INJURY OR MENTAL ILLNESS - 1ST OFF Offense Date: 09/02/2015 Arrest Date:Against Type: DPS Number: 7B01ELL-01 Adjudication Charge: 708.2A(2)(b) Description:DOMESTIC ABUSE ASSAULT- INJURY OR MENTAL ILLNESS - 1ST OFF Adj.: DEFERRED Adj.Date:03/09/2016 Adj.Judge: BRANDT, GREGORY D Comments: Sentence Charge: 708.2A(2)(b) Description:DOMESTIC ABUSE ASSAULT- INJURY OR MENTAL ILLNESS - 1ST OFF Sentence Date: 03/09/2016 Sentence: DEFERRED JUDGMENT Appeal: Sen.Judge: BRANDT, GREGORY D Facility Type: Attorney: Y Restitution: YDrug: YExtradition: N Lic.Revoked: NDDS: NBatterer: Y Fine Amount: Duration: Comment: $315 CIVIL PENALTY Sentence Charge: 708.2A(2)(b) Description:DOMESTIC ABUSE ASSAULT- INJURY OR MENTAL ILLNESS - 1ST OFF Sentence Date:03/09/2016 Sentence: PROBATION Appeal: Sen.Judge: BRANDT, GREGORY D Facility Type: Attorney: N Restitution: NDrug: NExtradition: N Lic.Revoked: NDDS: NBatterer: Fine Amount: Duration: 1 Year(s) Comment: ABIDE BY NO CONTACT ORDER Count 02 Charge Charge: 719.1(1)(c) Description:INTERFERENCE WITH OFFICIAL ACTS - BODILY INJURY Offense Date: 09/02/2015 Arrest Date:Against Type: DPS Number: 7B01ELL-02 Adjudication Charge: 719.1(1)(c)Description:INTERFERENCE WITH OFFICIAL ACTS - BODILY INJURY Adj.: DISMISSED BY COURTAdj.Date:03/09/2016 Adj.Judge: BRANDT, GREGORY D Comments: Sentence Charge: 719.1(1)(c) Description:INTERFERENCE WITH OFFICIAL ACTS - BODILY INJURY Sentence Date: 03/09/2016Sentence: DISMISSED Appeal: Sen.Judge: BRANDT, GREGORY D Facility Type: Attorney: Restitution: Drug: Extradition: Lic.Revoked: DDS: Batterer: Fine Amount: Duration: Comment: Filings Title: STATE VS RICHARD SCOTT SMITH Case: 05771 SRCR288645 (POLK) Citation Number: PLAN OF PAYMENT/RESTITUTION PLANDCS POLK DEPARTMENT OF CORREC TIONAL SERVICES 03/09/201603/09/201603/09/2016 ORDER OF DISPOSITIONBRANDT GREGORY D 03/09/2016 03/09/2016 03/09/2016 Comments: ATTORNEY FEES AS APPROVED BY SPD TO CASE COORDINATOR COPY SENT TO PROTECTED PARTY AND POLK COUNTY SHERIFF OTHER ORDERBRANDT GREGORY D03/09/201603/09/201603/09/2016 Comments: NO CONTACT THROUGH 3/9/2021 COPY SENT TO PROTECTED PARTY ORDER FOR CONTINUANCE BRANDT GREGORY D03/02/201603/02/201603/02/2016 Comments: SENTENCING HEARING 03/09/2016 09:00 AM DA02. NO FURTHER CONTINUANCES. COPY TO DAJCC. MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE MCCARTHY II TIMOTHY FRANCIS 03/01/201603/01/201603/01/2016 Comments: MOTION TO CONTINUE SENTENCING ORDER FOR CONTINUANCE BRANDT GREGORY D02/23/201602/23/201602/23/2016 Comments: SENTENCING HEARING 03/02/2016 09:30 AM DA02; COPY SENT TO DAJ CC MOTION FOR CONTINUANCEMCCARTHY II TIMOTHY FRANCIS02/23/201602/23/201602/23/2016 Comments: MOTION TO CONTINUE SENTENCING ORDER TO ACCEPT PLEABRANDT GREGORY D01/13/201601/13/201601/13/2016 Comments: SENTENCING HEARING 02/24/2016 08:30 AM DA02; BOND IS CONTINUED; COPY SENT TO DAJ CC WAIVER OF RIGHTS AND PLEA OF GUILTY MCCARTHY II TIMOTHY FRANCIS01/12/201601/13/201601/13/2016 WITHDRAWAL OF COUNSELHATHAWAY KEVIN DEAN12/15/201512/15/201512/15/2015 APPEARANCEARCHER SHANNON KAE12/15/201512/16/201512/16/2015 PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCEPRICE WILLIAM A12/15/201512/15/201512/15/2015 Comments: WAS HELD; STATUS CONFERENCE 01/13/2016 10AM RM 109; TRIAL 01/25/2016 8AM RM 101; COPY SENT TO DAJ CC NOTICEMCCARTHY II TIMOTHY FRANCIS11/17/201511/18/201511/18/2015 Comments: OF SELF DEFENSE ORDER FOR CONTINUANCEPRICE WILLIAM A11/17/201511/17/201511/17/2015 Comments: PRETRIAL CONFERENCE 12/15/2015 08:30 AM DA02.JURY TRIAL 01/25/2016 08:00 AM DA07; COPY SENT TO DEFT AND DAJ CC WAIVER OF SPEEDY TRIALMCCARTHY II TIMOTHY FRANCIS11/17/201511/17/201511/17/2015 ORDER APPROVING WITHDRAWAL OF COUNSELMCGHEE ODELL11/13/201511/13/201511/13/2015 Comments: MICHAEL CULP WITHDRAWN. MOTION TO WITHDRAW COUNSELCULP MICHAEL JOSEPH11/10/201511/10/201511/10/2015 APPEARANCEMCCARTHY II TIMOTHY FRANCIS11/10/201511/10/201511/10/2015 ORDER FOR CONTINUANCEPRICE WILLIAM A11/09/201511/09/201511/09/2015 Comments: PRETRIAL CONFERENCE 11/17/2015 09:30 AM DA02. COPY TO DAJCC. MOTION FOR CONTINUANCECULP MICHAEL JOSEPH11/09/201511/09/201511/09/2015 Comments: PRETRIAL CONFERENCE APPEARANCECULP MICHAEL JOSEPH11/09/201511/09/201511/09/2015 ORDER OF ARRAIGNMENTEGLY CAROL S10/13/201510/13/201510/13/2015 Comments: PRETRIAL CONFERENCE 11/10/2015 09:15 AM DA02.JURY TRIAL 12/07/2015 08:00 AM DA07.BOND IS CONTINUED.TO DAJCC. OTHER EVENT10/13/201510/13/201510/13/2015 Comments: RECEIPT OF COPY OF TRIAL INFORMATION AND MINUTES MINUTES OF TESTIMONYEGLY CAROL S10/08/201510/08/201510/08/2015 TRIAL INFORMATIONEGLY CAROL S10/08/201510/08/201510/08/2015 VICTIM PECUNIARY DAMAGES STATEMENTPOLK COUNTY ATTORNEY - GENERIC CRIMINAL CASE INCEPTION09/29/201509/29/201509/29/2015 VICTIM IMPACT STATEMENTPOLK COUNTY ATTORNEY - GENERIC CRIMINAL CASE INCEPTION09/29/201509/29/201509/29/2015 WITHDRAWAL OF COUNSELARCHER SHANNON KAE09/15/201509/15/201509/15/2015 APPEARANCEHATHAWAY KEVIN DEAN09/14/201509/15/201509/15/2015 APPEARANCEARCHER SHANNON KAE09/08/201509/08/201509/08/2015 SURETY BOND POSTEDCUSTOM SOLUTIONS INVESTIGATION S09/04/201509/04/201509/04/2015 Comments: $1,000 C/S: TO APPEAR 10/13/2015 @ 8:30AM, ROOM 201 HEARING FOR INITIAL APPEARANCEMOISAN CYNTHIA M.09/03/201509/03/201509/03/2015 Comments: TOTAL BOND $1000 A.ARRAIGNMENT 10/13/2015 08:30 AM 2011.BOND SET FOR PK4368896 708.2A(2)(B) $1000 C/S. DEFT APPLICATION FOR COUNSEL DENIED. IN CUSTODY ARRAIGNMENT 10/05/2015 @ 1:30PM @ JAIL COURT. EMAIL JAIL CC OTHER EVENTMOISAN CYNTHIA M.09/03/201509/03/201509/03/2015 Comments: WAIVER OF PRELIMINARY HEARING SIGNED BY DEFT NO CONTACT ORDERMOISAN CYNTHIA M.09/03/201509/03/201509/03/2015 Comments: THIS ORDER SHALL REMAIN IN EFFECT UNTIL MODIFIED OR TERMINATED BY FURTHER WRITTEN ORDER OF THE COURT, UNTIL THE CASE IS DISMISSED, OR UNTIL SENTENCING. CC VICTIM EMAIL NCO CRIMINAL COMPLAINTPOLK COUNTY ATTORNEY - GENERIC CRIMINAL CASE INCEPTION09/03/201509/03/201509/03/2015
3/11/2016 10:53:20 am
I agree Gary. But he won't be able to follow the rules and he will go to prison soon enough.
friend of victim
3/15/2016 04:18:15 pm
It is not a matter of IF, it's a matter of when! He is such a sociopath that he absolutely cannot constitutionally follow what has been prescribed for him. We will all celebrate when he's Behind Bars
3/17/2016 08:10:16 am
I remember the trailer and it's smell as far as jobs can't keep up with that cause he had so many
3/23/2016 04:03:36 pm
Has anyone called the IRS yet?Rick is going to pull the wool over on them!!!This is how he will violate probation.He can't get in trouble!!
3/23/2016 08:13:57 pm
I am sure he got the cars he has by giving false information about his company if that is who the cars are registered to. Which that is considered fraud. Has anyone gotten hold of the realtor the house was listed with to let them know what kind of people are living in there? I bet there are all kind of tax laws federal and state that aren't being taking care of for the business.
I want my divorce
3/23/2016 10:24:59 pm
I warned the owner awhile back about both of them even sent a link to the blog.
I want my divorce
3/23/2016 10:27:09 pm
Someone told me a while back that he uses food stamps. WTF. How does he manage that?? We need to report him. Freaking loser.
3/24/2016 12:23:19 am
The use of food stamps and multiple wife's can't that be reported to his probation officer. There has to be something not legal about using food stamps and having multiple wife's.
Ex Girlfriend Tn
3/24/2016 11:12:59 pm
The multiple wives has been reported to the probation office.I personally talked to them and told them my story.They want anyone who has been conned to call them.
3/26/2016 10:29:34 am
To those of you who have contacted probation officer or realtors in the house they are currently residing,but don't own and possibly the owners of the property....what are these people saying when you share this information with them?...curious if they believe or are just brushing it off.....
Need my divorce.
3/26/2016 01:00:25 pm
Nothing. I didn't get a response from the realtor or the owners.
9/22/2020 05:41:48 pm
The thing to do is mail letters with mugshots to all the neighbors. Many of them will personally know the land lord and expedite the info into their hands.
3/31/2016 09:01:29 am
I see in the case where he is being sued for breach of contract that there is a motion for the tenant to pay rent to the receiver and show proof of insurance and lease information an accounting of rent income. Is this on the current properties he has or something else? Does anyone know?
Documentary on Showtime
8/3/2020 10:41:56 pm
Called Love Fraud. Starting August 30th at 8pm central time. 4 part series regarding this con artist. Trailer on YouTube right now.
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